Meet Courtney

Courtney is a passionate advocate for child development, caught in the perpetual tug-of-war between education and mental health. Starting as a teacher in an Early Childhood Education program, Courtney found her niche gravitating toward kids who needed that extra dose of support and love. The intersection of education and mental health led her to School Psychology, a path where she felt truly aligned. 

During her graduate program, Courtney threw in a curveball by tackling the coursework to become a BCBA. Surprisingly, the world of Applied Behavior Analysis turned out to be her true calling. As a behavior technician, she found her groove in crisis-level cases, solidifying her belief that she was on the right path.

Guided by a mentor she still looks up to, Courtney earned her School Psychology credential and BCBA status a decade ago. From the warm vibes of California to the more laid-back setting of Virginia, she's navigated various School Psychologist roles, always standing as the sole BCBA in the district.

In her decade-long journey, Courtney not only advocated for ABA but also implemented new interventions in classrooms, leaving her mark wherever she went. Heading a public-school district’s Behavior Intervention Unit allowed her to wear multiple hats – from assessments and treatment planning to direct interventions, training, administration, budgeting, hiring, and most importantly, supervision.

With her dual-certification, Courtney brings a unique perspective to supervision, offering genuine counseling to her trainees as they navigate the victories and challenges of the ABA field. Join her as she continues to make waves in the ever-evolving landscape of child development!


  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst

  • Master’s of Science in Counseling, California State University, Los Angeles

  • Licensed Behavior Analyst, Virginia

  • 8-hour supervision training completed: 8/7/15

  • Nationally Certified School Psychologist

  • Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology, with Child Welfare and Attendance authorization

  • Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Certified Instructor