Am I paying "tuition" again? Like, for reals?

Haha, nope! While we LOVE a good education, you're not footing the bill for a whopping 2,000 hours. Instead, you're investing in a sleek 100-hour learning adventure in applied behavior analysis. Just think: supervision is just 5% of those total hours logged, so every moment (and penny) spent with us is laser-focused on supervision.

So, what am I actually paying for?

You're chipping in for that precious one-on-one time with your uber-smart supervisor (yay!) and a monthly peep at your client observation. Quality time? Totally worth it.

Supervision Track – which path do I choose?

Kinda like picking your favorite ice cream - depends on your taste! If you and your supervisor are vibing like peanut butter and jelly and can meet up often, many of our trainees are giving two thumbs up for the concentrated track. A concentrated track requires 10% of your hours worked supervised and at least 6 contacts per month.

What counts as unrestricted tasks?

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board breaks down unrestricted and restricted tasks. Still Confused? Your supervisor's got your back to help sort things out.

  • Restricted = These activities must not make up more than a certain percentage of your fieldwork hours. See the BCBA Handbook for details.

  • Unrestricted = These activities are required and must make up a certain percentage (or more) of your fieldwork hours. See the BCBA Handbook for details. (This is where the BCBA magic happens!)

How long does supervision take?

Get ready for an exciting year and a half to two years of fieldwork supervision – think of it as binge-watching your favorite educational series! Your involvement matters; the more you invest, the more you'll gain. This is your chance to learn under a mentor, so bring your whole self to supervision for a transformative experience in your professional journey.

How many hours can I log a month?

Minimum: 20 hours (chill mode). Maximum: 130 hours (beast mode!). At Evolve Behavior, we’re all about that flex. Whether you’re looking to ramp up or dial down your hours, we'll sync up with YOUR rhythm. Let’s craft a plan that's just right for you!


What’s a partial month?

Life's unpredictable! If things go sideways and you can't complete all monthly requirements, don't sweat. We got a formula, some nifty paperwork, and heaps of understanding to help you count your hours.

Client Observations – Do I pay for these, too?

Yep! Think of it as an invaluable feedback session. Fun fact: Our superstar supervisor, Shir, totally believes it's the unsung hero of supervision. Why? Well, having solid therapy implementation doesn't just benefit your clients now. It sets a gold standard, priming you to mentor and guide your future RBTs like a pro.


The Final Experience Verification Form – sounds intense, right?

It sure is! This isn't just any piece of paper; it's arguably THE most crucial document you'll hand over to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. Its seal of approval determines your eligibility to sit for the grand exam. It's our final love letter to your dedication and hard work before you soar. We meticulously double-check all details before signing off then send you the warmest virtual high-five!


Multiple Supervisors - Can I Have Both Remote and Onsite?

Totally get why this pops up so often! The answer? A resounding YES! But let's dive a little deeper.

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board has given the green light on this with some pointers

If your fieldwork grooves to the rhythm of the Multiple Supervisors criteria in the BCBA Handbook's Supervised Requirements section, you're golden! Just grab the snazzy Multiple Supervisors at One Location form.

The crux? Ensure you have a rockstar responsible supervisor coordinating the show. They'll guarantee your fieldwork's on point, super organized, and ticks all of BACB's boxes. 

What’s next after completing my hours?

Pop the champagne! Or, you know, study for the exam using that previously dedicated supervision time. Once you're prepped, fly off and ace that test!